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Ontario Technoblog

Ontario Emperor technology blog.

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Location: Ontario, California, United States

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Monday, October 17, 2005

IBM Taking Rational Software Toward Open Source

From TechWeb:

IBM is submitting a good amount of its Rational software process platform and related material to the Eclipse Foundation, the first step toward open-sourcing that material.


Specifically, the company is donating the meta model for describing development processes, the tools for customizing and creating processes, and a portion of the Rational Unified Process (RUP), said Roger Oberg, vice president of IBM's Rational group, based in Lexington, Mass.

The move is the latest in a series of contributions that IBM has made to Eclipse, an organization it helped found, as well as to Sourceforge.net, Apache.org and other open-source efforts.

The Eclipse Foundation will review, accept or modify IBM’s latest submission, and in all likelihood the foundation will release an Eclipse process framework sometime next year, Oberg told CRN on Tuesday. "Rational created what many thought of as the de facto standard for development, but you had to use Rational tools. We did all the authoring, and although we solicited best practices [from outside] we were the control point for the tooling, framework and content," he said....


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